Our main headquarters is at Grace Building, 8 High Street, Ely, Cambs, CB7 4JU.
You can contact the DEMAT team on 01353 656760 or by emailing the appropriate address on our contact page.
In accordance with our stated value of Trust, DEMAT acknowledge accountability and responsibility for its actions. It is therefore committed to fulfilling all of the legal and regulatory obligations that apply to it. This includes our responsibilities under applicable Education, Equality, Health and Safety, Charity and Data Protection legislation.
We oversee our obligations in a systematic and proportionate manner on a day-to-day basis, with appropriate management information being provided to the DEMAT Board of Trustees to enable it to fulfil its overall responsibility for these obligations.
Please click on the links below to be taken to the relevant pages.
Company limited by guarantee
Number 08464996
Registered in England & Wales
Grace Building
8 High Street
All Rights Reserved | Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust