
DEMAT Governance

Articles of Association

DEMAT is a charitable company limited by guarantee. We are regulated by the Department for Education, OFSTED, HMI and others, and our charitable objects are set out in our Articles of Association. For further information on how DEMAT is funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency please refer to our Master Funding Agreements: MFA 2019, MFA 2015, MFA 2014 and MFA 2013. Each academy has its own Supplemental Funding Agreement, which may be accessed below.

The purpose of governance is to provide confident, strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance.

DEMAT Scheme of Delegation

Scheme of Delegation

The Scheme of Delegation can be found above.  It sets out the lines of responsibility and accountability in the Trust so that roles and responsibilities in the governance and executive structures are clear at a Trust and Local level.

The quality and effectiveness of our governance is pivotal in ensuring that we are successful in delivering our Mission as well as achieving our Vision.

Trust Board Committee Terms Of Reference

Other Registrations

The Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust (DEMAT) was incorporated under the Companies Act of 2006 as a Private Limited Company, number 08464996, on 27 March 2013.

The Articles of Association for DEMAT were revised by the DEMAT Board on 23 May 2018, and can be viewed at the Companies House website, along with the Certificate of Incorporation and the Memorandum of Association.

DEMAT registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on 18 December 2014, under registration number ZA087951.

Funding Agreements for DEMAT academies


DEMAT has a number of funding agreements with the Department for Education which sets out our obligations to operate our schools effectively in return for state funding. Supplementary Funding Agreements (“SFAs”) are in place for each of our academies, links to which are set out below.

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