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Ely St Mary’s CofE Junior School was visited by inspectors who reported that ‘pupils benefit from the high ambitions that school leaders have for them’ and that ‘the curriculum provides a wide range of opportunities, which enables pupils to thrive and fulfil their potential.’
Staff and pupils were delighted to have been rated ‘outstanding’ in the areas of personal development and leadership and management, with quality of education and behaviour and attitudes being graded as ‘good’.
Ofsted found many areas of the school’s education to be exemplary, with the report stating that an ambitious curriculum has been implemented and ‘leaders at every level inspire and provide a sense of direction across the school community. They share a common vision of providing pupils with the knowledge necessary to succeed in the future.’
Headteacher Rachel Clarke said: “I am both immensely proud and pleased with the outcome of our recent Ofsted inspection.”
“Such judgements cannot be achieved on the inspection day; they are a culmination of the school’s continuous improvement and educational offer over the last six years and more since the previous inspection.”
“Just like the children we teach, no school can truly be captured in a grade or single report. However, the recognition the school has received this year via our Ofsted and SIAMS reports goes some way to acknowledge the relentless pursuit of our vision to ensure that every child becomes the best that they can be.”
Inspectors also highlighted the school’s efforts to ensure every child reads fluently, that staff are proud to work at the school and that pupils feel safe, well cared for and happy.
The dedication of the staff was praised, with inspectors noting that ‘leaders, trustees and governors invest heavily in the professional development of all staff’ which is ‘focused on securing high-quality learning experiences for pupils.’
Miss Clarke added: “We could not maintain such a high standard of provision and aspiration without the continued drive and unwavering support of all involved at Ely St Mary’s: this includes parents and carers; our local governing body and Trust and, most importantly, the children, whom we have the privilege of working with every single day.”
“A huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributes to making Ely St Mary’s the school it is today and will continue to be in the future.
“A special thanks to the staff at school, too – I couldn’t work with a more dedicated, supportive, and hardworking team.”
The school was congratulated on the inspirational visitors it has secured to encourage pupils to be aspirational for themselves. Visitors have included authors, Paralympians, public services and industry leaders. It was also praised for the range of wider opportunities available to children, particularly in the arts and sports, such as learning to play golf, climbing and learning to play musical instruments.
The Ofsted result follows an ‘excellent’ Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) report for the school earlier this year.
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